Data Transfers

Data transfer is the process of a pushing and pulling data between upstream and downstream tasks within the Workbench Project Schematic. This exchange of information allows you to fully engage simulation workflow management, project state tracking, and iterative design.

The top-down, left-right information exchange within a workflow can appear as both implicit (between tasks stacked on top of each other in a task group) or explicit (between tasks from separate task groups).

Discrete input and output data types declare which tasks can exchange data and the role they play (producer, consumer, or both).

ACT supports three data type categories to engage data transfer:

Ansys-installed data types

Use the data types exposed by Ansys products to exchange information between your task and Ansys products.

Custom input and output types

Define custom data types to exchange information between two or more ACT custom tasks.

Generic transfer

Leverage simplified data type-less transfer between ACT custom tasks and as input to Model, Setup, and Solution cells in Mechanical-based Analysis Systems.

For information on using task properties to define data transfers within the Project Schematic, see Defining Task-Level Data Transfer.

For extension examples that demonstrate data transfer methods, see the following topics:

For information that you need to transfer data between Ansys-installed data types, see the following appendices: