Electronics Desktop Wizard Definition

The file WizardDemo.xml follows. For both the elements <extension> and <wizard>, the attribute context is set to ElectronicsDesktop.

<extension name="Wizard Demo" version="1">
  <author>Ansys, Inc.</author>
  <guid shortid="ElectronicsWizard">819d1fd2-17c2-493a-ad6a-ee608356229a</guid>
  <script src="callbacks.py" />
  <interface context="ElectronicsDesktop">
  <wizard name="Wizard Demo" caption="Wizard Demo" version="1" context="ElectronicsDesktop" icon="antImage">
    <description>Simple example of a wizard in Electronics Desktop</description>
    <step name="Step1" version="1" caption="Design">
	  <description>Create geometry</description>
      <propertygroup name="dim" caption="Dimensions (mm)" persistent="False" parameterizable="False">
        <property control="float" name="width" caption="Width" persistent="False" parameterizable="False" default="0.4" />
        <property control="float" name="height" caption="Height" persistent="False" parameterizable="False" default="1.7" />
      <propertygroup name="offset" caption="Offset for duplication (mm)" persistent="False" parameterizable="False">
        <property control="float" name="offset" caption="Offset" persistent="False" parameterizable="False" default="0.3" />
    <step name="Step2" version="1" caption="Setup">
	  <description>Define boundary conditions</description>
      <propertygroup name="bc" caption="Boundary Conditions (Ohm)" persistent="False" parameterizable="False">
        <property control="float" name="resistance" caption="Full Resistance" persistent="False" parameterizable="False" default="50." />
        <property control="float" name="reactance" caption="Full Reactance" persistent="False" parameterizable="False" default="0." />

Step Definition

The element <step> defines a step in the wizard. This wizard has two steps: Step1 and Step2.

  • In the first step, the first two dimensions define and create a rectangle. The first rectangle is then automatically duplicated and set at an offset along the Y axis, which is defined by the third dimension.

  • In the second step, two boundary conditions are automatically created.

For each step, the element <callbacks> specifies callbacks to functions defined in the script callbacks.py. For property and callback descriptions, see Electronics Desktop Wizard Review.