Look-Up Table Plot

The Look-Up Table Plot enables you to explore the interpolation result of scalar columns. Scalar columns can be used to define thickness, angle, or degradation fields for instance.

Figure 2.157: Look-Up Table Plot General Properties Tab

Look-Up Table Plot General Properties Tab

For this plot type, specific options of the General tab include:

  • Look-up Table Column: Select the Look-up Table column data that is to be plotted.

  • Supporting Points:

    • Show Points: Visualize the location of the supporting points of the plotted look-up table data.

    • Show Labels: Show labels indicating the row index in the respective look-up table.

    • Scale Factor: Scale the size of the supporting points.

  • Show Labels: Show labels indicating the row index in the respective look-up table.

  • Scale Factor: The supporting points can be scaled in size.

Figure 2.158: Look-Up Table Plot of a 1-D Scalar Quantity with Supporting Points Shown as Circles

Look-Up Table Plot of a 1-D Scalar Quantity with Supporting Points Shown as Circles