3.10.1. Element- or Layer-wise Field Definition

You can specify the distribution of any variable used in the definition of a Variable Material in ACP. This is done by means of Look-up Tables. A scalar Look-up Table column can be associated with with a field variable. The state of the field variable is interpolated from the scalar Look-up Table column over the finite element model. To this end, you can specify whether this interpolation is applicable for the entire model or only specific parts of it. The field definition can be scoped to a combination of:

  • Element Sets

  • Oriented Selection Sets

  • Modeling Plies.

Element Sets or Oriented Selection Sets as scope of the field definition always affect all layers of their underlying finite elements. In contrast, scoping Modeling Plies refines the selection to specific layers of their underlying finite elements. The Field Definition then applies to the layers of the covered finite elements associated with the Analysis Plies of each Modeling Ply. Elements and layers not covered with a field variable definition assume the default value for this variable.

Altogether, a Field Definition can be scoped to the full FE-model or refined to affect only subparts and, furthermore, only layers.

See the Field Definition for additional information about the object as well as object set-up.