6.1. Project Description

The model consists of a predefined fabric, a Rosette, and an Oriented Selection Set (OSS). You will define two Modeling Plies with Epoxy_Carbon_UD_230GPa_Prepreg using the following lay-ups:

  1. 20 x (0° 0.5 mm UD)

  2. 2 x (0° 0.5 mm UD)

You will define the first ply and use a Cut-Off Selection Rule to taper the layers. After adding the second ply, you extrude the composite model into a solid structure and use Resin_Polylite_413 as the global homogeneous material for the Drop-Off elements. Finally, you will smooth the model's surface using an imported Snap-To geometry.

Note:  Results shown in this tutorial may differ slightly from the results displayed in your model.