1.1.2. Principle

Material Designer, which uses the Ansys SpaceClaim Direct Modeler interface, provides you the tools to design and analyze a wide variety of complex micro-structures.

It operate seamlessly within the Ansys Workbench environment as a single System or as part of a larger analysis workflow. Simply drag and drop the Material Designer Component System onto your Project Schematic in Workbench, and double-click the Engineering Data Cell to enter the properties of the base materials.

With another click, you have access to all the tools within Material Designer for defining your material. You can select the desired geometry, assign constituent materials, and choose your analysis settings. Material Designer will then calculate the properties of your new homogenized material.

Returning to the Workbench Project Schematic, you can export the results downstream to the Engineering Cells of subsequent systems for further simulation. If your project involves composite materials, you can feed the results to Ansys Composite PrepPost for lay-up design. Further downstream, you can stress-test your designs in Ansys Mechanical. You can complete an entire project- from designing the materials to the final production plan- within a single Workbench Project Schematic.

Whether you use Material Designer in a single Workbench System or you integrate its capabilities into a larger Workbench project, it brings unparalleled efficiency to the work of designing and simulating complex microstructures.