Shifting the Frequencies by a Constant

Frequency Shifting increases or decreases the frequencies of the sound by a constant value. This is useful to change electrical engine noise for example.

To Shift the Frequencies by a Constant Value:

  1. In Tools, choose Frequency Shift.
  2. In the Frequency shift box, set a value in Hertz to move up or down each frequency.

    For example:

    • A positive value of 100 Hz will move the spectrum of the sound by moving up each frequency by 100 Hz (add 100 Hz).

    • A negative value of -300 Hz will move the spectrum of the sound by moving down each frequency by 300 Hz (subtract 300 Hz).

The frequency content of the current signal is modified. Applying a Frequency Shift to a signal changes the frequency content and loses the relationship between the frequencies (the initial ratio between frequencies is changed).

Note: During the processing, every frequency above the maximum frequency of the sound is removed (half of the sampling frequency), and also for frequencies below 0 Hz.