Value vs Time

The Value vs Time profile computes the following levels over time:

  • dB(A) vs time
  • dB(B) vs time
  • dB(C) vs time
  • dB vs time
  • RMS Level vs Time
  • ISO532-1 Loudness vs time (sone)
  • ISO532-1 Loudness level vs time (phon)
  • Sharpness vs time (acum)
  • DIN45692 Sharpness vs time (acum)
  • Roughness vs Time
  • Tonal Audibility ISO1996-2:2007 (dB) vs time
  • DIN45681 / ISO/PAS 20065 Tonality vs time
  • Average Tonality Aures (tu) vs time
  • Articulation Index vs Time ANSI S3.5-1969
  • Automotive Articulation Index vs Time (%)
  • Frequency vs time ECMA-418-2 / ECMA74-G
  • Psychoacoustic Tonality ECMA-418-2 / ECMA74-G (tuHMS) vs time
Note: When calculating levels using the "Value vs Time" profiles, the default settings of the software are used for the calculation. For the Sharpness vs Time indicators, Ansys Sound: Analysis and Specification does the calculation at every 2 ms of the signal and a lowpass filter with a 8-Hz cutoff frequency is then applied to smooth out sharpness values over time.
To use specific parameters:
  1. Select the Custom Profile you want to use.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. In the Levels tab's Level vs Time section, click the Parameters button.
Refer to Parameters Overview for more information.
Note: RMS level vs. time can be directly calculated from the Calculation menu and from the right-click menu when clicking on a temporal signal. The calculation is done using the current Custom Profile settings, then the RMS level is displayed in a new window.