Export Preset Data

Ansys Sound: ASDforEV enables you to export each preset's data (samples, mappers, settings) and preprocessing formulas.

  1. In the Presets tab, click the Export button above the Preset from which you want to export the data.
  2. In the Browse for Folder window that opens, select the location where the data should be exported.
  3. Click OK.

All preset data is exported in a PresetData folder that is created at the location you selected. This folder will be automatically organized into subfolders making it possible to easily locate the different parts of the exported data. See example below:

A summary file Summary_report.txt is also stored in the top-level folder and provides some global information on what was exported and what resources are necessary to produce the sound created by the software (number and total duration of wave samples, with mono/stereo and function breakdowns, number of oscillators, list of control parameters, number of preprocessing units, etc.)

In the different folders, you will find sound function .wav files, text files containing mapper data, text files containing equalizer data, and text files containing other settings (gains, names, mute states, etc.).

Mapper data

Mapper data in the text files is formatted as follows:

  • The name of the file indicates the controlled parameter (gain, pitch, etc.). For example, SAF_looper01_pitch_mapper.txt .
  • The first line in the file indicates the control parameter (X values)
  • Each subsequent line corresponds to a point in the mapper
  • The first 2 columns give X and Y values of each point
  • The last column gives the curvature (between -1 and 1) of the previous segment


   Input: Speed
   Xvalue Yvalue Curvature
   0.000 -70.000 0.000
   35.000 -15.000 0.000
   60.000 -1.000 0.000
   120.000 -35.000 0.000
   250.000 -70.000 0.000

Parametric Equalizer Data

Parametric Equalizer data (if set) is formatted as follows:

  • Each of the 8 filters is detailed one after the other in the text file.
  • For each filter, its activation state (bypassed), type, frequency, gain, and Q-factor are indicated, and finally the corresponding biquad coefficients.
  • The biquad coefficients are the 5 coefficients b0 , b1 , b1 , a1 , and a2 that correspond to the following filter transfer function:


   Bypassed (0/1): 0
   Type: peaknotch
   Frequency (Hz): 200
   Gain (dB): 0.000
   Q: 1.000
   Biquad coefficients (b0 b1 b2 a1 a2): 0.986 -1.972 0.986 -1.971 0.972

Preprocessing Formulas

All Preprocessing Formulas are gathered in the Preprocessing folder. Each formula is exported as a distinct text file that also contains mapper data when used. The first line contains the preprocessing formula, formatted the same way as in the software. If the formula contains mapper(s), mapper data is specified below the formula.


   Formula: OnOff = * ( Mapper1 ( Onoff_ext ) | Custom4_ext )

   Xvalue Yvalue Curvature
   18.000 0.000 0.000
   19.000 1.000 0.000
   20.000 0.000 0.000