Using Virtual Reality Lab

Warning: The first launch of Virtual Reality Lab can take a while.
  1. Click Virtual Reality Lab .

  2. Click File, Open to select a picture file.

    The picture appears.

    Supported formats are .speos360, .xmp, .exr, .pic or .hdr.

    For an image, right-click and move the mouse to zoom in or out, click the mouse left button to translate the picture, and click the + or - button to change maximum level of picture.

    For an Speos360, rotate the mouse wheel to open or close the aperture camera, click the mouse left button to rotate the camera, and click the + or - button to change maximum level of environment map. Use the Up/Down page keyboard shortcuts to change the mode of the used colors.

    You can customize the Virtual Reality Lab toolbar. Click View, Toolbars, and select the elements to display.