Using Map Calculation

With Map Calculation, you can perform operations on maps (addition, division, subtraction) and observe result variation directly from Virtual Photometric Lab.

  1. From Virtual Photometric Lab, click Tools > Map Calculation.

  2. Click Add to browse and load several maps to process.

  3. From the Calculation parameter group box:

    1. Select the operation to perform on the maps.

      .xmp maps are compatible with all types of operation. The other source file types are compatible with Addition or Subtraction operation only.

    2. In Aiming, adjust the beam direction on H (horizontal) and/or V (vertical) axes.

    3. In Rotation, type a value (in degrees) to rotate the xmp map.

  4. To apply the parameters:

    • Click Apply Global to apply the calculation parameters to all maps.

    • Click Process to apply the calculation parameters to the currently selected map (the map highlighted in the list).

  5. Click Save to save the result and overwrite the parameters of the original map.