Parameters of a DOE and Thin Lens Surface

  • The position of the thin lens sets the localization of the optical axis in the space.

    In Position box, define the absolute coordinates (assembly coordinates) of the origin taken into account to compute the x and y values used in the phase function or the focal length.

  • Vectors I and J define the lens plan and the optical axis: the lens plan is the plane collinear to i and j, the optical axis is the orthogonal vector to i and j.
    • In Vector I box, define the absolute coordinates (assembly coordinates) of the x axis vector.

    • In Vector J box, define the absolute coordinates (assembly coordinates) of the y axis vector.

  • You must select Transmission or Reflection check box.

  • You can select the Thin lens check box.

    In Focal length box, you must type the focal length value of the thin lens.

  • You can select the DOE surface check box.

    • In Base Wavelength box, you must type the wavelength value for which the DOE has been optimized (focal distance, aberrations).

    • In Diffractive focal box, you must type the focal distance value of the DOE (lens definition) at the base wavelength.

    • In Radial parameters Bi table, you must type the parameters values which describe the DOE function. These parameters are dimensionless and give a rotation invariance (see phase function).

    • In Polynomial coefficients table, you must type polynomial parameters aij. These parameters describe the DOE function and are dimensionless.

      Note that aij refers to the xiyj term.