Script Examples

Different script (*.scscript and *.py) files are provided for each type of LiDAR sensor to help you read and extract data from the Raw ToF result file.

The following script examples files are directly compatible with Speos and provide different types of results as they extract specific data out of the Raw time of flight result file.
Note: Scripts are provided in IronPython language and, when possible, in Python language. With Python scripts, make sure to use Python 3.10 version.

    This script allows you to parse the .OPTTimeOfFlight result in order to export the coordinates of the impacts and their associated power and distance into a *txt file.


    This script allows you to parse the .OPTTimeOfFlight result in order to extract the following parameters:

    • Get (scanning, rotating) or calculate (static) the line of sight vector.
    • Find the peak at 0.1% of the maximum value or obtain the list of peaks above the minimum signal level (peformed with the isSinglePeak parameter).
    • Export the x, y, z coordinates and the energy value for a given distance in a text file.

    This script includes the same methods as the Scanning_Rotating script but uses the point cloud export to project it directly in the 3D view. 3D points with a distance-related color scale (from closest in red, to far in blue) are projected in the 3D view to easily visualize the impacts of the LiDAR sensor.