Creating a Circular Mapping

Prerequisites: A 3D texture must be created . A pattern and support to pattern must already be selected. An axis system must be set.
  1. From the Mapping Type drop-down list, select Circular.
  2. Set the following parameters:

    Radial distance between patterns

    Mapping radius

    Distance between rings

    X angular offset

  3. If you want to limit the mapping to a specific area, shape:
    1. If not already done, import or create a face in the current assembly.
    2. In the 3D view, click and select the imported/created object to limit the 3D texture distribution to that specific face.
  4. If you want to define an offset along Z direction on the projected patterns:
    1. In the 3D view, click and select the support on which to apply the offset.
    2. Type a value in Offset surface ratio to determine the offset of your patterns.
  5. In the Pattern section, define the patterns' orientation.
  6. If you want to define three scale factors to set the size of each pattern independently on the 3 axes (X, Y, Z):
    1. Click to select an X scale surface, to select a Y scale surface and to select an Z scale surface.

      The scaling factor to apply to a specific mapping point is defined by the height of the point of this surface, at the corresponding coordinates (X,Y).

      Note: You can define a specific scale on all three independent axes (X,Y,Z axes) or on one axis only (only on X for example).
    2. Define a pattern scale value.

      The scale value is applied to all the patterns of a direction. The pattern scale factors are cumulative to the global scale factor (global scale factor * pattern scale factor = final pattern scale factor).

  7. Click Compute to verify the 3D texture distribution.

    A progress bar appears and allows you to stop the compute if necessary. At the end of the compute, the Dots appear on the support indicating the patterns' location on the surface.

    Note: After saving and opening again the project, you need to compute again the 3D Texture to display the pattern in the 3D view. Speos does not store the meshing information to avoid performance issues when saving and opening projects.
  8. To fully compute and visualize the patterns on the support:
    1. Click Optional or advanced settings .
    2. Adjust the X size, Y size and Z size of the preview box to see it appear in the 3D view.
    3. Using the 3D view manipulators, drag the box onto the 3D texture support to compute the patterns.

The ciruclar mapping is created and an OPT3D Mapping file is automatically generated and stored in the Speos inputs files folder.