Updating an External CAD Part

The following procedure helps you update an external CAD part while keeping its link to Speos dependencies.

Note: You cannot use the Geometry Update tool if you have imported your external CAD part use the Open file command.

To update an external CAD part:

  1. In Speos, in the Assembly tab, click Geometry Update .
    Tip: The import/replace option is also accessible with a right-click the part you want to update from the structure tree.
  2. In the Options tab, in the Update Options section, you can define the behavior of the updates:
    • Update from last known file location directly takes the last known file path used for the import/update.
    • Automatically skip parts without known file paths skips the update of the parts whose file is not found.
    • Skip Unmodified Files skips the files for which the reference file's modified date has not change since the last import.
    Important: Skip Unmodified Files is activated by default. Unmodified parts are skipped only if the CAD project and Structure trees are identical.
  3. In the 3D view or in the Structure tree, select the parts you want to update or click to Select all Imported Parts.
  4. In the 3D view, select Update External CAD Part .
Geometries are updated and the link is maintained between Speos features and the newly imported geometries. Materials are still applied on the geometries, sources are adjusted to the faces of the new geometries etc.