Modifying Imported Geometries

According to the final design expected, you may need to modify the lenses directly to apply mechanical constraints in your system. Then you will need to assign the new created faces/surfaces to a volume body face.

  1. In the Structure tree, activate the component corresponding to the Optical Design Exchange.

  2. Modify the lens geometry (Structure tree) according to your needs using the SpaceClaim tools.

  3. In the Structure tree, activate the parent component to be able to acces to the Speos Optical Design Exchange feature in the Simulation tree.
    The Optical Design Exchange feature automatically detects changes that happened on the body associated to the lens.

  4. In the Speos Simulation tree, under the Optical Design Exchange feature, open the Object definition corresponding to the modified lens geometry.
    You can see a new list next to the body and faces lists. This list corresponds to the new added faces on the lens geometry that Speos has detected, which are not integrated yet in a dedicated list.

  5. Add each new face in the appropriate list.

    Once in the appropriate list, the new faces inherit the optical properties of the corresponding face (Back, Front or Edge).
  6. Repeat from Step 1 to Step 5 for every lens geometry to be modified.
Now you can define a simulation with the Optical Design Feature feature and the opto-mechanical element if any, then analyze using the speos tools.