Modifying a Post Processed Optical Part Design Geometry

The following procedure helps you modify an Optical Part Design geometry that has been post processed.

Note: The Post Processing is in BETA mode for the current release but is deprecated. Instead we recommend you to use the Block Recording Tool for the same capabilities.

As of version 2024 R1, creating a Post Processing is no longer possible. However you can still load a previous project containing a Post-Processing feature and modify it.

To modify a post processed Optical Part Design (OPD) geometry:

  1. Edit the OPD feature.
  2. Modify the needed parameters.
  3. In the Design tree, open the Post Processing feature related to the OPD feature.
  4. In the 3D view, click Compute to apply the design operations.
    Note: If you activated the Automatic Compute on the Post Processing feature, the design operations are automatically reapplied on the OPD geometry without a manual compute.
The design operations are applied on the modified OPD geometry without having to reapply them manually. Links to Speos features are kept.
You can recompute the simulation using the OPD geometry to regenerate and update the results.