Visualizing an Interactive Simulation LPF Result

This page shows how to use a LPF result generated from an interactive simulation. LPF files appear only if light expert is activated during the simulation.

To visualize an Interactive Simulation LPF result:

  1. To ensure the proper visualization of the *.lpf result, re-compute the simulation when:
    • the Draw Rays option was activated for simulation. As this option causes LXP rays and rays of the simulation to overlap, therefore making them indistinguishable from one another, it should be deactivated for simulation.
    • the file was generated prior to 2020 R2.
  2. From Speos tree, double-click the *.lpf file.

    The Light Expert panel is displayed. The Interactive Simulation ray tracing is automatically hidden so that only the ray tracing of the *.lpf result is displayed in the 3D view.

    Note: If other Interactive Simulations are displayed in the 3D view, hide them all to display the *.lpf ray tracing wanted only.
    Note: When you close the Light Expert panel, the Interactive simulation ray tracing is automatically displayed regardless the hide/show status previously defined.
  3. From the Faces filtering drop-down list:
    • Select And to display rays that have at least one intersection with each selected faces.
    • Select Or to display rays that have at least one intersection with one of the selected faces.
  4. Define the Number of rays to be displayed in the 3D view.
  5. In Ray length, set a value to define the ray length preview.
  6. If you want to filter the rays displayed in the 3D view:

    • Click and select the Required faces (the faces that are taken into account to filter rays).

      The rays impacting the required faces and reaching the sensor are displayed in the 3D view.

    • Click and select the Rejected faces (the faces that you want to exclude from the light trajectory).

      The rays reaching the sensor, excepted those impacting the rejected faces are displayed in the 3D view.

  7. If you want to better visualize rays paths:
    1. Click Section mode .
      The Section mode appears in the 3D view and you can move it thanks to the 3D Manipulator to modify its position and orientation therefore cutting the geometry and see the rays paths.
    2. If the 3D Manipulator is not enough discernible, in the Section mode section, with the Rotation handles distance from center parameter you can modify the distance of the rotation manipulators to the center of the 3D Manipulator.