Speos Files Analysis Overview

The following page presents you the goal and the interface of the Speos Files Analysis tool.

When opening a Speos project, some project files may be stored with an absolute path, and Speos cannot find them. The Speos files analysis tool identifies the incorrect or missing file paths, and helps you modify them in order to point to the right directory.

Speos File Analysis Interface

  • Object type corresponds to the type of the Speos feature.
  • Object name corresponds to the name you gave in the definition of the Speos feature.
  • Attribute corresponds to the name of the parameters section and parameter field from the Speos feature definition.
  • File folder corresponds to the folder where the file is stored.
  • File name corresponds to the name of the file (without extension).
  • File extension corresponds to the extension of the file selected.
  • Status indicates if the file is found or not by the Speos Files Analysis tool.
    • Found (path provided, points to an existing file)
    • Not Found (path provided, but file not found)
    • Missing (blank value, but mandatory)
    • Not used (blank value, but not mandatory)
  • Last write indicates the last time the file has been modified.