Interactive Live Preview Overview

The following page gives you an overview of the Interactive Live Preview and its common use.


The Interactive Live Preview tool permits you to directly see in the current running Live Preview window the changes applied on your project without having to launch a simulation to see the result. Indeed, this save you from launching a full simulation to see the changes as it does not mesh the optical system. This way you can understand quickly which modification has an impact and what is not supported.

You can:
  • Modify most numerical values in sources, sensors and material definitions, as well as file path (spectrum, IES, etc.).
  • Move an object as long as it is not bound to a geometry. When you have an object oriented by an axis system, moving the axis system will be considered in Live Preview Update.
Note: Refer to Parameters Compatibility with Interactive Live Preview to make sure that the parameters you change are compatible with the Interactive Live Preview. Otherwise, if you modify an incompatible parameter a warning will be raised and Update Preview button will not be available.

Interactive Live Preview Common Workflow

  1. Create a Direct or Inverse Simulation of your optical system.
  2. Click Preview to run the Live Preview.
  3. Modify one or several parameter in features used in the simulation.
  4. Click Update Preview to run the Interactive Live Preview.
  5. See the change in the Live Preview window.
  6. Iterate again the process to quickly see impact of the modifications.


The following video shows you an example on how to use the Interactive Live Preview in the case of parameters change and also in the case of Timeline parameter change:
  • You can see that parameters are applied to Live Preview rendering upon click of Interactive Live Preview.
  • In the case of Timeline parameter change, the change is automatically applied to the Live Preview rendering without having to click Interactive Live Preview.