Parameters Compatibility with Interactive Live Preview

The following page describes you which features parameters are compatible with the Interactive Live Preview.

Parameters and features that are not listed in the following tables are not compatible with the Interactive Live Preview.


Source Parameters
Surface Source
  • Flux
  • Intensity
  • Spectrum
  • Emissive
Ray File Source
  • Flux
  • Axis System
Luminaire Source
  • Intensity
  • Flux
  • Spectrum
  • Axis System
Uniform Source
  • Axis System (Zenith and Sun)
  • Luminance
  • Mirror Extent
  • Sun
  • Spectrum
CIE Standard Overcast Sky Source
  • Axis System (Zenith)
  • Luminance
  • Spectrum
CIE Standard General Sky Source
  • Axis System
  • CIE Type
  • Luminance
  • Sun Automatic/Manual
  • Time zone and location
Natural Light Source
  • Axis System (Zenith and Sun)
  • Turbidity
  • Sun Automatic/Manual
  • Time zone and location
  • Sky
Environment Source
  • Axis System (Zenith and North)
  • Luminance
  • Image File
  • Color Space
  • White Point
Display Source
  • Image
  • X/Y Range
  • Flux
  • Intensity
  • Color Space
  • White Point
  • Axis System


Sensor Parameters
Irradiance Sensor
  • Axis System
  • XMP Template
  • Integration type (only Planar type supported)
  • X/Y Range
  • X/Y Sampling and Resolution
  • Wavelength
  • Integration Direction
Intensity Sensor
  • Axis System
  • XMP Template
  • Format
  • Orientation
  • X/Y Range
  • X/Y Sampling and Resolution
  • Wavelength
Radiance Sensor
  • Definition from
  • Observer Type
  • Focal Length
  • Axis System
  • XMP Template
  • X/Y Range
  • X/Y Sampling and Resolutiokn
  • Wavelength
  • Integration Angle
Human Eye Sensor
  • Axis System
  • XMP Template
  • Horizontal and Vertical FOV
  • Wavelength
  • Pupil Diameter
Camera Sensor
  • Mode (only photometric mode supported)
  • Axis System
  • Acquisition
  • Timeline (through Inverse Simulation)
  • Focal Length
  • Imager Distance
  • F-number
  • Transmittance
  • Distortion
  • Pixels
  • Width/Height
  • Color Mode
  • Gamma correction
  • White balance mode
  • PNG bits
  • Sensitivity
  • Wavelength
  • Visualization Parameters

Optical Properties

Feature Parameters
  • Volume properties
  • Surface properties
  • Use texture
Surface Layer (if Use texture is activated)
  • Texture image
  • Texture normal map

Geometry Properties

Feature Parameters
UV Mapping
  • Geometry
UV Map
  • Mapping Type
  • Axis System
  • Rotation
  • U/V Parameters


Feature Parameters
Speos Light Box Import
  • Moving the Light Box
  • Trajectory file