You can see more information about any material you see in MI Materials Gateway by viewing its datasheet. This shows the material's property values, and its version (if your Granta MI database is version-controlled).
If your MI Materials Gateway implementation supports the assignment of manufacturing
processes, surface treatments, or colors, then you can also view datasheets for these in the
same way.
- The datasheet for a process includes background information about the process and how it is applied to materials.
- The datasheet for a surface treatment or color includes information about its specification and properties.
To view a datasheet, right-click the material, process, surface treatment, or color, and select View datasheet.
Depending on your system settings, you may see the full datasheet (in your default browser), or a summary version (in a message window within the MI Materials Gateway window). If the datasheet is displayed as a summary, you can click Access full data to view the full datasheet in a browser.
In a version-controlled database, you can use datasheets to find more details of any specific
instance of a material that you see in MI Materials Gateway. This can help you to review any
data that is marked as

- If you view a datasheet from the Imported CAE material models panel, you will see the version used to generate the imported model.
- If you view a datasheet from the Assignments panel, you will see the version that is currently assigned.