Analyzing your BoM for Restricted Substances or Sustainability

Granta MI has two optional reporting and analysis modules, MI Restricted Substances and MI Sustainability, that can be used to analyze and run reports on Bills of Materials using the BoM Analyzer tool in Granta MI.

If Restricted Substances or Sustainability analysis is enabled on your Granta MI system, you can right-click an assembly or component in MI Materials Gateway to analyze it in BoM Analyzer.

Tip: Alternatively, you can export the BoM and its assignments as a Bill of Materials file that can be saved and then reopened in BoM Analyzer. This may be useful if you don't want to analyze the BoM immediately, or if the BoM analysis will be run by someone else. (Note that exporting a Bill of Materials file from Gateway does not require a license for MI Restricted Substances or MI Sustainability.) See Exporting assignments as a file.

To view and analyze an assembly or component in BoM Analyzer:

  1. In the Assignments panel, right-click the component that you want to analyze. This can be the root assembly (to analyze the entire BoM) or a sub-assembly or part.
    • In Creo, analysis and reporting features are only available when you are viewing a hierarchical BoM - that is, when you have opened MI Materials Gateway from the main toolbar in Creo Parametric. See Creo Parametric.
    • In NX, analysis and reporting features are only available when you are working in BoM mode. See NX.
    • In Teamcenter and Windchill, you can also analyze the results of a 'Where Used' search.
  2. From the context menu, choose View in BoM Analyzer
  3. If your organization has a license for more than one analysis package: Choose the type of analysis you want to carry out: either Restricted Substances or Sustainability.

BoM Analyzer opens in a new browser window, showing either a Restricted Substances analysis or a Sustainability analysis of your BoM.

The BoM is analyzed based on either the mass (where available) or the volume of each component. For more details, see Viewing or importing BoMs from Gateway.
  • If the BoM is from a CAD part model (in Gateways for NX, Teamcenter with NX, and Creo), it will include the mass of each component, if this is available from the CAD system. If the mass is not available for a component, the BoM will include the volume for that component, and the Density of the material assigned to the component.
  • If the BoM is from a PLM system (in Gateway for Windchill), the BoM will include the volume for each component, and the Density of the material assigned to the component.

For more information about the results of the analysis, see Restricted Substances and Sustainability.

In BoM Analyzer, you can also modify the BoM and re-run the analysis, assign additional types of data (such as secondary processes for Sustainability), and download reports. See Analyzing Bills of Materials.