Subscribing to Favorites Lists

You can view a list of all published Favorites Lists, and subscribe or unsubscribe from lists, from the Favorites menu in MI Materials Gateway. Optionally, you can view the contents of a Favorites List before subscribing.

Subscribing to a published list adds it to your Favorites menu, so that you can view it at any time, and assign or import records from it.

Note: List publication and subscription is an optional feature that may not be available on your Granta MI system, and your Granta MI system may not include any published lists.

Gateway shows all published Favorites lists that you can subscribe to. This includes any lists created by you that you have published using MI Favorites. Note that if you publish a list, it will no longer appear in the 'Personal' section of the Favorites menu, and you will need to subscribe to it if you want to access it from the 'Subscribed' section of the menu.

  1. To view and manage your list subscriptions, click the navigation bar and select Favorites, and then click Subscribe to lists.

    The icon shows the lists that you are currently subscribed to.

  2. Select the lists you want to subscribe to, right-click and select Subscribe
    Tip: To unsubscribe, right-click and select Unsubscribe. If your Granta MI administrator has automatically subscribed you to all published lists, then you cannot unsubscribe from individual lists.