Optimization of Buckling Load Multiplier With CAD Parameters and Young's Modulus


Reference: Timoshenko, Strength of Materials, Part 2 (Advanced theory and problems), pg. 167–168
Analysis Type(s): Goal Driven Optimization
Element Type(s): 3-D Solid

Test Case

The cantilever bar of length 25 feet is loaded by uniformly distributed axial force p = 11 lbf on one of the vertical face of the bar in negative Z-direction. The bar has a cross-sectional area A is 0.0625 ft2.

Input Parameters:  —  Side of Square C/S, Length of Cantilever Bar and Young's Modulus

Response Parameters:  —  Load Multiplier of the First Buckling Mode

Optimization Method:  —  Genetic Algorithm

Sample Size:  —  200

Figure 223: Schematic


Material Properties
E = 4.1771e 9 psf
ν = 0.3
ρ = 490.45 lbm/ft3
Geometric Properties
Cross-section of square = 0.25 ft. x 0.25 ft.
Length of bar = 25 ft.
Fixed support on one face, Force = 11 lbf (Negative Z-direction) on top face
ParameterTypeConstraintsDesired ValueImportance
Cross-section sideInput0.225 ft. a 0.275 ft.No PreferenceN/A
LengthInput22.5 ft. l 27.5 ft.No PreferenceN/A
Young's ModulusInput3.7594e9 psf E 4.5948e9 psfNo PreferenceN/A
First buckling mode load multiplierOutputN/AMaximum PossibleN/A


Assuming that under the action of uniform axial load a slight lateral bucking occurs.

The expression for deflection is:

The critical load is given by,


q = force per unit length

The first critical buckling load is:

The load multiplier is given by the ratio of critical load to applied load .

The first buckling multiplier is:

Combined objective function becomes:

Minimizing ϕ we get dimensions as:

Cross-section side a = 0.275 ft.
Length l = 22.5 ft.
Young's Modulus E = 4.5948e9 psf
Buckling load multiplier = 3083.32

Results Comparison

ResultsTargetDesignXplorerError (%)
First buckling mode load multiplier3083.323034.32-1.589