Remote boundary conditions use a Remote Point for their scoping. The Remote Point associated with one of the given objects is either created and defined by you (you create a Remote Point object that the remote boundary condition references) or it is automatically generated by the system (you can think of it as an "internal" remote point - no Remote Point object exists in the object tree).
When defined with a remote point, these objects are considered remote boundary conditions. The remote point gives the object an "abstract" quality because it is not directly applied to the nodes or vertices of a model.
However, you can directly scope a single node or vertex of your model to some of the boundary conditions listed below, specifically Point Masses, Springs, and Joints. Using the Details pane property, Applied By, for these objects you can switch between the settings and . When directly applied, they are not considered remote boundary conditions and as a result do not provide certain properties, such as Pinball or Formulation.
Remote Boundary Condition Types
Remote boundary conditions have the following characteristics:
All remote boundary conditions make use of MPC contact used in the Mechanical APDL application. For more information, see the Geometry Behaviors and Support Specifications section in the Mechanical Help as well as the Surface-Based Constraints section in the Contact Technology Guide - part of the Mechanical APDL Help.
You are advised to check reaction forces to ensure that a remote boundary condition has been fully applied, especially if the boundary condition shares geometry with other remote boundary conditions, any type of constraint, or even MPC contact.
Once a remote boundary condition is created, you can generate an external Remote Point based on the scoping of the remote boundary condition using the Promote Remote Point feature (RMB menu).
Annotations are available for point masses, springs, beam connections, and bearings. You can toggle the visibility of these annotations in the Annotation Preferences dialog box. For more information, see Specifying Annotation Preferences.