2.16. Preference Migration

The first time you run Ansys Workbench following the installation of a new version of the software, the application automatically migrates your user preferences to the new version. This includes preferences such as licensing settings, Options settings, solver preferences, user created buttons, Key Assignments, and Engineering Data settings.

To migrate preferences, the application creates a text file (MigratePreferences.txt) in the following directory:

Windows: C:\Users\John_Doe\AppData\Roaming\Ansys\<new_version>
Linux: ~/.ansys/<new_version>

If this file does not exist, the application migrates your preferences. Once the application has generated this text file, the migration no longer runs.

Turn Automatic Migration Off

You can turn migration off by:

  • Creating an empty file called %APPDATA%/Ansys/v<new_version>/MigratePreferences.txt before the first run.


  • Starting Workbench with (Target property) "RunWB2.exe -K Framework.MigratePreferences=off"

Remove Migrated Preference Data

You can remove the migrated user preference data by emptying the %APPDATA%/Ansys/v<new_version> directory and creating the empty file %APPDATA%/Ansys/v<new_version>/MigratePreferences.txt. Make sure that no Ansys product is running during this action.