19.5.22. Contribution Results

You use contribution result types to study the dynamic behaviors of your structure in order to improve your design. Contribution features enable you to perform targeted post processing by filtering complex response data to determine which bodies and mode shapes have the highest response at specific mode shapes and frequencies. Supported contribution results are described below. See the Contribution Graph Results section for more information about using these results.

Energy Contribution

For Modal analyses only, you can specify an Energy Contribution result to understand energy contribution for each body for each mode shape. This result produces a mosaic chart highlighting total/kinetic/strain elemental energies for each body and every mode shape. This result requires you to set the On Demand Expansion property (Options) to Yes and the Volume and Energy property (Output Controls) to Yes (default).

You access this result from the Contribution menu on the Solution tab or using the context (right-click) menu options Insert > Contribution > Energy Contribution.

Mode Contribution

Use the Mode Contribution result for Mode Superposition (MSUP) Harmonic Response analyses, either standalone or linked. This result supports multiple steps specified as RPM or as Load Step using the Multiple Step Type (Step Controls) property. These results produce a mosaic chart highlighting the modal coefficient for each mode shape for each analysis frequency. Using the display options of the result, you can filter the visibility for the top contributing mode shapes and analysis frequency range.

You access this result from the Contribution menu on the Solution tab or using the context (right-click) menu options Insert > Contribution > Mode Contribution.

Use the Load Step Number property, of the Details pane Scope category, to specify a load step from which you wish to obtain result values. The default setting is 1. Supported entries are based on the value of the Number of Steps property (Analysis Settings > Step Controls).