You can display the values of a plotted dependent variable by their X-axis coordinate or as part of a series of dependent variable values. This summarizes table data in a way that is not always apparent in a numeric table.
This feature is available in both free and unified view and operates similarly for plots in both modes. The following examples show unified view plots to highlight the connections between variable display and the contents of a table.
Display Plotted Variables by a Common Coordinate
You can display the values of plotted variables according to their x-axis coordinate:
Move the mouse over the plot. The values of the plotted variables at each x-axis coordinate value in the table are displayed on the plot.
This corresponds to a column of data in unified view.
In the example below, X Coordinate is plotted on the x-axis. The cursor is hovering over the X Coordinate value of 0.0887984. The pressures associated with this value for X Coordinate are displayed on the plot. These pressure values are also outlined in red in the example.

Display Plotted Variable Series
The table function plots data as a series, grouping dependent variable values that have a common independent variable value. Each series is plotted as a separate line on the graph. The specific independent variable that forms the basis of a series depends on which variable is plotted on the X-axis. For example, if X Coordinate is selected for the X-axis, the data series will be based on common values for Y Coordinate.
To display the dependent variable values in a series of plotted variables:
Move the mouse along the plotted series of data to highlight it.
When you hover the mouse over a data point in the table, the plot displays the value of that dependent variable.
This corresponds to a row of data in unified view.
For example, the plot below shows the mouse hovering over a series of pressure data where the Y Coordinate equals -0.014224 meters. This series is highlighted in green on the plot. The corresponding row of Y Coordinate values is outlined in a red rectangle on the figure. When the mouse hovers over an X Coordinate of 0.0887984 meters, the plot displays the pressure at those X and Y coordinates: 499,121.235 pa. This value is also circled in red on the figure.