5.1. Configuring RSM to Use SSH for Job Submission and/or File Transfers to a Remote Linux Cluster

SSH/SCP (Secure Shell/Secure Copy) can be used to establish communication between a Windows RSM client machine and a Linux-based ARC, LSF, PBS Pro, SLURM, or Altair Grid Engine (UGE) cluster. The SSH application is used instead of RSM to execute cluster commands, monitor jobs, and copy data to/from the Linux cluster node.

RSM supports using SSH/SCP in custom job scripts. The built-in job scripts for the RSM job submissions have been tested using the PuTTY SSH client (http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty).

Before You Begin

These instructions assume the following:

  • Workbench and RSM have been installed on the Windows machine.

  • RSM has been installed on both the Windows and Linux machines.

  • PS, AWK, GREP, LS, and the ANSYS251 command must exist on the Linux machine.

  • You are able to install and run Ansys, Inc. products, including Licensing, on both Windows and Linux systems. For information on product and licensing installations, see the Installation and Licensing documentation on the Ansys Help site.

Steps for Establishing SSH Communication

To enable SSH communication with a Linux cluster, you need to:

  1. Define a configuration in RSM which indicates that SSH will be used. See Defining a Configuration for a Remote Linux Cluster (SSH).

  2. Install and configure an SSH client (PuTTY SSH) on RSM client machines. See Configuring PuTTY SSH.

  3. Set the environment variable described in Linux Path Configuration Requirements.

  4. (LSF clusters only) Set the environment variable described in Configuration Requirement for LSF Cluster Job Submission.

  • Ansys recommends that you use SSH only if your IT policy requires it. The communication overhead that SSH imposes results in slower processing times when launching solutions and retrieving results.

  • RSM handles job submission and file transfers independently. This means that you have the flexibility to choose whether you want to use SSH for either or both of these functions. See Defining a Configuration for a Remote Linux Cluster (SSH).