Wrapper Specific Surface Mesher

Wrapper Specific Surface Mesher provides post wrapping improvement operation using surface meshing based on the mesh settings and surface quality measures. For example, you can improve the wrapper generated surface by remeshing based on the current size field and target skewness. You should use Wrapper Specific Surface Mesher only after wrapping.

Wrapper Specific Surface Mesher Details view has the following options:




  • Define By: Allows you to define the element size based on value or settings. The available options are:

    • Value: Defines the element size based on the provided value.

    • Settings: Defines the element size based on the settings under Mesh Settings in the Steps Details view.

  • Element Size: Provides the element size. When Define By is Value, you can specify the element size for surface meshing. When Define By is Settings, displays the element size calculated based on the provided Mesh Settings in the Steps Details view. The Element Size is read-only. You can click   on the right corner of the option and click Publish to publish Element Size to the Property Worksheet. You can parameterize Element Size only when Defined By is Value.

    Note:  If you apply size fields for the Wrapper Specific Surface Mesher, the Max Size specified in the size field takes precedence over the Element Size.

  • Target Skewness: Allows you to provide the target skewness to improve surface mesh of wrapper part. The Target Skewness value ranges from 0 (low quality) to 1 (high quality). The default value is 0.6. You can click  on the right corner of the option and click Publish to add Target Skewness to the Property Worksheet. You can parameterize Target Skewness.

  • Mesh Type: Allows you to select the type of mesh you want to generate. The default value is Triangles. The available options are:

    • Triangles: Creates mesh with triangular elements.

    • Quadrilateral: Creates mesh with quadrilateral elements.