HemiConvex Irregular Shape Enclosure control automatically creates a hemiconvex enclosure of the input scope. The hemiconvex enclosure adapts to the input scope shape to minimize the internal enclosed volume using the provided parameters.

HemiConvex Irregular Shape Enclosure Details view has the following options:
Control Type: Displays the selected control type.
Only Part can be selected for creating HemiConvex Irregular Shape Enclosure.
Define By: Allows you to define the element size based on Value or Settings. The available options are:
Value: Defines the element size based on the provided value.
Settings: Defines the element size based on the settings under Mesh Settings in the Steps Details view.
Element Size: Provides the element size. When Define By is Value, you can specify the element size. When Define By is Settings, displays the element size calculated based on the provided Mesh Settings in the Steps Details view. The Element Size is read-only. You can click
on the right corner of the option and click Publish to publish Element Size to the Property Worksheet.You can parameterize Element Size only when Defined By is Value.
Orientation Modality: Allows you to define the orientation of the hemiconvex irregular shape enclosure. The default value is Plus Z. The available options are Plus X, Plus Y, Plus Z, Minus X, Minus Y, Minus Z.
Plane Distance: Allows you to provide the distance from the base of the hemiconvex irregular shape enclosure to the model. The default value is 0.0 mm. You can click
on the right corner of the option and click Publish to publish Plane Distance to the Property Worksheet.
Open Enclosure: Allows you to delete the base of the hemiconvex irregular shape enclosure while creating an open enclosure when Open Enclosure is Yes. The default value is No.
Delete Colliding Faces: Allows you to delete any model face colliding with hemiconvex irregular enclosure base when Delete Colliding Faces is Yes. The default value is Yes.
Mesh Type: Allows you to select the type of mesh to be used for meshing. The default value is Quadrilaterals. The available options are:
Triangles:: Creates mesh with triangular elements.
Quadrilaterals: Creates mesh with quadrilateral elements.
Scale Factor: Allows you to define minimal increase in size of the hemiconvex enclosure with respect to the input scope. The default value is 1.0. You can click
on the right corner of the option and click Publish to publish Scale Factor to the Property Worksheet.
Distance: Allows you to specify the minimal absolute distance to change the hemiconvex enclosure distance from the model. The default value is 0.0 mm. You can click
on the right corner of the option and click Publish to publish Distance to the Property Worksheet.
Number of Layers: Allows you to specify the minimal number of volumetric layers to be created between the model and the enclosure. The default value is 2. You can click
on the right corner of the option and click Publish to publish Number of Layers to the Property Worksheet.
Smoothing Iterations: Allows you to provide the number of smoothing iterations required. The default value is 5. You can click
on the right corner of the option and click Publish to publish Smoothing Iterations to the Property Worksheet.
Smoothing Preserve Volume: Allows you to preserve the volume after smoothing when Smoothing Preserve Volume is Yes. The default value is No.