Constant Size Volume Mesher control creates a volume mesh of uniform size on the entire volume.

Constant Size Volume Mesher Details view has the following options:
Define By: Allows you to define the element size based on value or settings. The available options are:
Value: Defines the element size based on the provided value.
Settings: Defines the element size based on the settings under Mesh Settings in the Steps Details view.
Element Size: Provides the element size for volume meshing. When Define By is Value, you can specify the element size for volume meshing. When Define By is Settings, displays the element size calculated based on the provided Mesh Settings in the Steps Details view. The Element Size is read-only. You can click
on the right corner of the option and click Publish to publish Element Size to the Property Worksheet. You can parameterize Element Size only when Defined By is Value.
Mesh Type: Allows you to provide the type of mesh. The default value is Tetrahedrons. The available options are Tetrahedrons and HexCore.
Tetrahedrons: Creates tetrahedral mesh.
HexCore: Creates hexcore mesh. When you select HexCore, HexCore Relative Tet Layer allows you to specify the number of tet layer elements created between the boundary and hex cells. The default value is 0.25.
Remesh: Allows you to remesh the entire volume when Remesh is Yes. The default is No.
Label Name: Allows you to provide the name for the created volume. The name is added to Labels tab in the Domain Browser.