Target Aspect Ratio (Height)

The Target Aspect Ratio (Height) global option allows you to set a target Aspect Ratio (Height) that you would like the mesh to satisfy in the Mesh Details view.

The Target Aspect Ratio (Height) value drives improvements to tetrahedral elements through improvements to the surface mesh aspect ratio. If you set the Target Aspect Ratio (Height) and the mesh contains tetrahedral elements, the mesher will attempt to improve the tetrahedral elements to meet the Target Aspect Ratio (Height) that you specified. If the Target Aspect Ratio (Height) cannot be met, a valid mesh may still be generated. In addition, if Check Mesh Quality is set to Yes, Errors and Warnings, a warning message is displayed to help you address the issues preventing the mesh from satisfying the Target Aspect Ratio (Height). You can right-click the Message field and select the Show Elements option from the context menu to create Named Selections for the elements that do not meet the target.

To set the Target Aspect Ratio (Height), enter a value between 2 (higher quality) and 100 (lower quality). The default is 5.

Note:   Target Aspect Ratio (Height) improvement is supported for the Patch Conforming Tetra mesh method only.

Target Aspect Ratio (Height) is available only when the Physics Preference is Explicit.