Parametrizing Material Properties

Data can be parametrized to allow it to be used in parametric studies and design points (see Working with Design Points). To parametrize an item in the Properties pane, select the check box in the Parameterize ( ). The parameter value can then be changed in the Parameters and Design Points workspace. Use caution when parametrizing data that is dependent on other data to maintain valid data. The parametrized data is always calculated from the original values, so also use caution when modifying data in the parameter workspace to avoid computer precision problems.

Constant Data

When you parametrize constant data, the constant data can be changed in the Parameters workspace, but the original datum is not modified. The original datum is restored when the parametrization is removed.

Tabular Data

You can parametrize tabular data by parametrizing the scale and/or offset for all of the tabular data. The scale value varies the curve by multiplying the y-axis value of each point on the curve. The offset is added to or subtracted from a y-axis value for each point on the curve. The equation used for varying each datum value in the tabular data is:

Property = Scale * Nominal Value + Offset

The original tabular data is not modified, but the scale and/or offset datum are restored to the defaults of 1.0 and 0.0 when the parametrization is removed.

To parametrize a material property:

  1. Access Engineering Data.

  2. To parametrize a material property in libraries or favorites, open the Engineering Data Sources pane and mark the data source as editable.

  3. In the Outline pane, select a material that contains the property to parametrize.

  4. in the Properties pane, select the check box in the Parameterize ( ) column for the property you want to parametrize.

    For tabular data, use scale and/or offset.