Toolbox check/edit box: r, f |
Right Mouse Button Context Menu: Rotate by r Degrees, Rotate by -r Degrees, Flip Horizontally, Flip Vertically, Scale by Factor f, Scale by Factor 1/f, Paste at Plane Origin, Change Paste Handle, End |
This lets you take items placed on the clipboard by Cut or Copy and place them into the current (on new) sketch, even if it is on a different plane.
Whatever you place on an internal clipboard by Cut or Copy, you can place either in the same plane or on another plane. The edges are dragged, relative to the previously selected paste handle. By changing r and f, and then using the right mouse button options, the edges to be pasted can be rotated or scaled. The Change Paste Handle option displays symbols at each of the selected curves endpoints and/or center plus a symbol that represents the plane origin relative to where the curves were when they were Cut or Copied. The symbol nearest the cursor is displayed different than the others. Once you click to select the nearest symbol, that location will now be used as the paste handle (location that is attached to the cursor). You can paste multiple times.
Note: When using this function with a large number of items it is recommended that you first turn off Auto Constraints : Global. This will both significantly speed up the function as well as avoid the creation of unwanted constraints that could alter the results.