The 3D Curve feature allows the creation of line bodies in Ansys DesignModeler that are based on existing points or coordinates. Points can be any 2D sketch points, 3D model vertices, and point feature points (PF points). Coordinates are read from text files in the unit specified by the Units property. The feature's selections are defined by a collection of points in a chain. The curve passes through all points in the chain. All points in the chain must be unique. The 3D Curve feature can produce multiple curves when reading the data from files.
If the curve is created from a text file, a base plane must be selected. The last selected base plane will be used by default and the current unit used in the session will be used as the default unit.
Use the Context Menus to help define the 3D Curve:
Closed End: connects the last point to the first point to form a closed curve.
Open End: forces a closed curve to be open again.
Clear All Points: removes all points from the chain.
Delete Point: allows you to remove a point from the chain.
The feature is useful for creating curves that may be used as a Named Selection base object.
A coordinates file must be a simple text file in the following format:
After a pound sign (#), everything else on that line is considered a comment and is ignored.
Empty lines are ignored.
Data consists of five fields, all on one line, separated by spaces and/or tabs:
Group number (integer)
Point number (integer)
X coordinate
Y coordinate
Z coordinate
A data line with the same Group number and Sequence number as a previous data line is an error. A data line cannot contain the same Group number and Sequence number as a previous data line.
For a closed curve, the point number of the last line should be 0. In this case, the coordinate fields are ignored.
Example 95: Coordinates File
The number format is Group number, Sequence number , then X Y Z all delimited by spaces.
Group 1 (open curve)
1 1 10.1234 15.4321 20.5678
1 2 15.2468 20.1357 25.1928
1 3 5.5555 6.6666 7.7777
Group 2 (closed curve)
2 1 100.0101 200.2021 15.1515
2 2 -12.3456 .8765 -.9876
2 3 11.1234 12.4321 13.5678
2 0
Note: The decimal separator format in the coordinates file should match the locale of the machine's operating system. Otherwise, the values from the coordinates file cannot be read properly.
Other Concept Menu feature options: