Here is an example script that creates some offset planes, various sketches, then creates a Skin, Sweep, Revolve, and Extrude. The sketches were actually created interactively initially, then saved using the "Write Script: Sketch(es) of Active Plane" option. These files were then changed slightly to allow them to be combined together into this example. It demonstrates how the various Script functions can be used together to create a part.
Example Image

Example Script
//DesignModeler FeatueExample JScript //*************************************************************************** //All sketches were created interactively, then sketches for each plane //were written out with the "Write Sketch" command in the file menu. //These individual sketch scripts were then combined into a single file //with slight name changes. The various plane and feature commands were //added to create the final result. Most of the actual creation logic is //near the end of the example. //*************************************************************************** function plane1SketchesOnly (p) { //Plane p.Plane = agb.GetActivePlane(); p.Origin = p.Plane.GetOrigin(); p.XAxis = p.Plane.GetXAxis(); p.YAxis = p.Plane.GetYAxis(); //Sketch p.Sk1 = p.Plane.newSketch(); p.Sk1.Name = "Sketch1"; //Edges with (p.Sk1) { p.Pt31 = ConstructionPoint(0, 0); } //Dimensions and/or constraints with (p.Plane) { //Constraints CoincidentCon(p.Pt31, 0, 0, p.Origin, 0, 0); } p.Plane.EvalDimCons(); //Final evaluate of all dimensions and constraints in plane return p; } //End Plane JScript function: plane1SketchesOnly function plane2SketchesOnly (p) { //Plane p.Plane = agb.GetActivePlane(); p.Origin = p.Plane.GetOrigin(); p.XAxis = p.Plane.GetXAxis(); p.YAxis = p.Plane.GetYAxis(); //Sketch p.Sk2 = p.Plane.newSketch(); p.Sk2.Name = "Sketch2"; //Edges with (p.Sk2) { p.Ln13 = Line(-10, -10, 10, -10); p.Ln14 = Line(10, -10, 10, 10); p.Ln15 = Line(10, 10, -10, 10); p.Ln16 = Line(-10, 10, -10, -10); } //Dimensions and/or constraints with (p.Plane) { //Constraints HorizontalCon(p.Ln13); HorizontalCon(p.Ln15); VerticalCon(p.Ln14); VerticalCon(p.Ln16); CoincidentCon(p.Ln13.End, 10, -10, p.Ln14.Base, 10, -10); CoincidentCon(p.Ln14.End, 10, 10, p.Ln15.Base, 10, 10); CoincidentCon(p.Ln15.End, -10, 10, p.Ln16.Base, -10, 10); CoincidentCon(p.Ln16.End, -10, -10, p.Ln13.Base, -10, -10); } p.Plane.EvalDimCons(); //Final evaluate of all dimensions and constraints in plane return p; } //End Plane JScript function: plane2SketchesOnly function plane3SketchesOnly (p) { //Plane p.Plane = agb.GetActivePlane(); p.Origin = p.Plane.GetOrigin(); p.XAxis = p.Plane.GetXAxis(); p.YAxis = p.Plane.GetYAxis(); //Sketch p.Sk3 = p.Plane.newSketch(); p.Sk3.Name = "Sketch3"; //Edges with (p.Sk3) { p.Ln17 = Line(-20, -10, 20, -10); p.Ln18 = Line(20, -10, 20, 10); p.Ln19 = Line(20, 10, -20, 10); p.Ln20 = Line(-20, 10, -20, -10); } //Dimensions and/or constraints with (p.Plane) { //Constraints HorizontalCon(p.Ln17); HorizontalCon(p.Ln19); VerticalCon(p.Ln18); VerticalCon(p.Ln20); CoincidentCon(p.Ln17.End, 20, -10, p.Ln18.Base, 20, -10); CoincidentCon(p.Ln18.End, 20, 10, p.Ln19.Base, 20, 10); CoincidentCon(p.Ln19.End, -20, 10, p.Ln20.Base, -20, 10); CoincidentCon(p.Ln20.End, -20, -10, p.Ln17.Base, -20, -10); } p.Plane.EvalDimCons(); //Final evaluate of all dimensions and constraints in plane return p; } //End Plane JScript function: plane3SketchesOnly function plane4SketchesOnly (p) { //Plane p.Plane = agb.GetActivePlane(); p.Origin = p.Plane.GetOrigin(); p.XAxis = p.Plane.GetXAxis(); p.YAxis = p.Plane.GetYAxis(); //Sketch p.Sk4 = p.Plane.newSketch(); p.Sk4.Name = "Sketch4"; //Edges with (p.Sk4) { p.Ln21 = Line(-20, -10, 20, -10); p.Cr22 = ArcCtrEdge( 20, 0, 20, -10, 20, 10); p.Ln23 = Line(20, 10, -20, 10); p.Cr24 = ArcCtrEdge( -20, 0, -20, 10, -20, -10); } //Dimensions and/or constraints with (p.Plane) { //Constraints HorizontalCon(p.Ln21); HorizontalCon(p.Ln23); TangentCon(p.Cr22, 20, -10, p.Ln21, 20, -10); TangentCon(p.Cr22, 20, 10, p.Ln23, 20, 10); TangentCon(p.Cr24, -20, 10, p.Ln23, -20, 10); TangentCon(p.Cr24, -20, -10, p.Ln21, -20, -10); CoincidentCon(p.Ln21.End, 20, -10, p.Cr22.Base, 20, -10); CoincidentCon(p.Cr22.End, 20, 10, p.Ln23.Base, 20, 10); CoincidentCon(p.Ln23.End, -20, 10, p.Cr24.Base, -20, 10); CoincidentCon(p.Cr24.End, -20, -10, p.Ln21.Base, -20, -10); CoincidentCon(p.Cr24.Center, -20, 0, p.XAxis, -20, 0); CoincidentCon(p.Cr22.Center, 20, 0, p.XAxis, 20, 0); EqualRadiusCon(p.Cr22, p.Cr24); } p.Plane.EvalDimCons(); //Final evaluate of all dimensions and constraints in plane return p; } //End Plane JScript function: plane4SketchesOnly function planeYZSketchesOnly (p) { //Plane p.Plane = agb.GetActivePlane(); p.Origin = p.Plane.GetOrigin(); p.XAxis = p.Plane.GetXAxis(); p.YAxis = p.Plane.GetYAxis(); //Sketch p.Sk5 = p.Plane.newSketch(); p.Sk5.Name = "Sketch5"; //Edges with (p.Sk5) { p.Cr25 = Circle(0, 50, 7.5); } //Sketch p.Sk6 = p.Plane.newSketch(); p.Sk6.Name = "Sketch6"; //Edges with (p.Sk6) { p.Cr26 = ArcCtrEdge( 30, 60, 30, 90, 0, 60); } //Sketch p.Sk7 = p.Plane.newSketch(); p.Sk7.Name = "Sketch7"; //Edges with (p.Sk7) { p.Cr27 = Circle(20, 40, 7.5); } //Dimensions and/or constraints with (p.Plane) { //Constraints TangentCon(p.Cr26, 0, 60, p.YAxis, 0, 60); CoincidentCon(p.Cr25.Center, 0, 50, p.YAxis, 0, 50); CoincidentCon(p.Cr26.End, 0, 60, p.YAxis, 0, 60); } p.Plane.EvalDimCons(); //Final evaluate of all dimensions and constraints in plane return p; } //End Plane JScript function: planeYZSketchesOnly //*************************************************************************** //End of function definitions for sketches //Now, lets access/create planes and actually create the sketches //and then the features that use them //*************************************************************************** //Call Plane JScript functions var XYPlane = agb.GetXYPlane(); agb.SetActivePlane (XYPlane); var ps1 = plane1SketchesOnly (new Object()); var plane2 = agb.PlaneFromPlane(XYPlane); plane2.AddTransform(agc.XformZOffset, 20); agb.regen(); agb.SetActivePlane (plane2); var ps2 = plane2SketchesOnly (new Object()); var plane3 = agb.PlaneFromPlane(plane2); plane3.AddTransform(agc.XformZOffset, 20); agb.regen(); agb.SetActivePlane (plane3); var ps3 = plane3SketchesOnly (new Object()); var plane4 = agb.PlaneFromPlane(plane3); plane4.AddTransform(agc.XformZOffset, 20); agb.regen(); agb.SetActivePlane (plane4); var ps4 = plane4SketchesOnly (new Object()); var YZPlane = agb.GetYZPlane(); agb.SetActivePlane (YZPlane ); var ps5 = planeYZSketchesOnly (new Object()); //Now, create Skin var Skin1 = agb.Skin(agc.Add, agc.No, 0.0, 0.0); Skin1.Name = "Point2OvalSkin" Skin1.AddBaseObject(ps1.Sk1); Skin1.AddBaseObject(ps2.Sk2); Skin1.AddBaseObject(ps3.Sk3); Skin1.AddBaseObject(ps4.Sk4); agb.Regen(); //To insure model validity //Next create a Sweep var Sweep1 = agb.Sweep(agc.Add, ps4.Sk4, ps5.Sk6, agc.AlignTangent, 0.25, 0.0, agc.No, 0.0, 0.0); agb.Regen(); //To insure model validity //Next create a Revolve var Rev1 = agb.Revolve(agc.Add, ps5.Sk7, ps5.YAxis, agc.DirNormal, 360.0, 0.0, agc.Yes, 1.0, 1.0); agb.Regen(); //To insure model validity //Finally cut a hole using Extrude var Extrude1 = agb.Extrude(agc.Cut, ps5.Sk5, agc.DirSymmetric, agc.ExtentThruAll, 0.0, agc.ExtentFixed, 0.0, agc.No, 0.0, 0.0); agb.Regen(); //To insure model validity //Result is an ugly widget, but a useful example! //End DM JScript