Use the Share Topology button to add or remove the Share Topology feature from the model. When the Share Topology button is on you will see the Share Topology feature in the Tree Outline. When the Share Topology button is off you will not see the Share Topology feature and any features you may have created after the Share Topology feature in the Tree Outline. Turning on the toggle button will bring back the Share Topology feature and all other features created after it. For a better understanding of the concept, see Shared Topology.
This feature performs the "Share Topology" operation in the Ansys DesignModeler application that is similar to the topology sharing operation done during the transfer to the Mechanical application. With this feature, you will see the same model in the DesignModeler application that you will see after transferring the model to the Mechanical application. This gives you a chance to make modifications to the model in DesignModeler before transferring it to the Mechanical application. An exception to this is when the Part’s Share Topology Method is set to Edge Joints. You will not see the results of the Edge Joints method in DesignModeler. The Edge Joints operation is applied only on transferring the model to the Mechanical application.
When the Share Topology toggle is turned on, the Share Topology feature is added after any features that exist in the current model. It is not possible to insert the Share Topology feature at any desired location. You should also click on the Generate button to see the results of the Share Topology feature and any features you may have created after it.
When the Share Topology is turned off the Share Topology feature and any features you may have created after it are not shown in the Tree Outline and the model is restored to the state that reflects the features shown in the Tree Outline.
The Details View of the Share Topology feature lists the parts and for each part, its name and the Share Topology Method. The name of the part and the Share Topology Method can also be modified from the Details View of the Share Topology feature.
In addition, for databases created before Release 15.0, another option appears in the Details View called “Optimizations” which can be toggled On or Off (Default). By enabling this option, a performance improvement may be seen during the execution of Share Topology; however, persistence of loads and boundary conditions, or features after Share Topology, may require re-scoping selections.
Share Topology is a global feature (works on all the Parts of the model) and there can be at most one instance of the feature in the model. For detailed information on shared topology refer "Shared Topology" section of Bodies and Parts documentation.
Once added, the Share Topology feature cannot be suppressed. You can delete the feature from the model using the right mouse button Context Menus, if there is no other feature that depends on it.
Simplifying or cleaning the model, via the Body Operation feature, prior to Share Topology can improve speed and robustness of the feature.
Features after the Share Topology feature
The following features can be added after the Share Topology feature in the Tree Outline.
The menu buttons for all other features are grayed out once Share Topology feature is present in model because most features cannot be added after the Share Topology feature. However, depending on state of model , you can insert other features before the Share Topology feature in Tree Outline using the "insert" Context Menus.
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