Sending Parameters to the Mechanical application

When using .agdb files in the Mechanical application, the entries in the Design Parameters tab appear as the CAD parameters in the Mechanical application if their names contain the Parameter Key defined before starting the simulation. Most often, the Parameter Key is ANS; DS (default).

To send all Design Parameters to the Mechanical application, make the Parameter Key blank before starting the simulation. Note that this should not be confused with the Parameter Key property used in Import External Geometry File and Attach to Active CAD Geometry features accessible via the File Menu.

Note that when importing CAD models into the DesignModeler application, you can promote those CAD parameters to be Design Parameters in the DesignModeler application. However, if a CAD system contains multiple parameters with the same name, then only one of them can be promoted in the DesignModeler application.

Use of the characters [ ] {} ; | \ "' ? <> , ! # $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = /` ~ in parameter names will prevent promotion. You cannot create parameters with any of the characters in a name in DesignModeler. If parameters in third-party CAD systems include any of the characters in their name, they are not promotable from the Attach to Active CAD Geometry and Import External Geometry File feature list view.

Other Parameters topics: