You can create a Throughflow (BladeGen) system, which is essentially a Vista TF system with an added Blade Design cell (representing BladeGen), by using the Create New > Throughflow (BladeGen) command in the right-click context menu of the Blade Design cell of the Vista RTD system. The Blade Design cell of the Throughflow (BladeGen) system will be populated with BladeGen geometry that is based on the current, up-to-date parameters from Vista RTD. The Setup cell will be the same as for a Vista TF system, except that the machine type and number of blade rows cannot be specified in the properties because that information is taken from the Blade Design cell of the Throughflow (BladeGen) system. Upon creating a Throughflow (BladeGen) system using data from a Vista RTD system, each of the cells in the Throughflow (BladeGen) system is updated automatically:

For details, see Vista TF User's Guide.