Creates a new model
Opens (loads) an existing model saved in a binary file.
Open Results Files
Opens an existing results file. For more details of results files, see the section Outputs - Results Files.
Saves the current model using the current Ident for the filename to a binary file.
Save Project
Saves the Workbench project and ensures that the Autodyn analysis model and all Workbench related data is saved to disk.
Save As
Saves the current model using a new Ident for the filename.
Save As Version
Saves the current model in a format supported by a previous version.
Export to Version
Saves the current model outside the Workbench project in a format supported by a previous version.
Manage Folders
Enables you to manage your project folders.
Save settings
Saves the settings for the current plot in a settings file.
Load settings
Loads and applies plot settings from a saved settings file.
Outputs data for the current plot to a printer.
Export PostScript
Outputs data for the current plot to a PostScript file.
Export VRML
Outputs data for the current plot to a VRML file.
Save Formatted
Saves the current model using the current Ident for the filename to a formatted (ASCII) file.
Export Formatted
Saves the current model to a formatted (ASCII) file.
Open Formatted
Opens (loads) an existing model saved in a formatted (ASCII) file.
Import Formatted
Lets you open (load) an existing model saved in a formatted (ASCII) file.
Close Autodyn
Exits Autodyn.