Two dialog windows let you build a fragment or brick wall.
This first window lets you generate the zoning.

The fragment/brick wall is built with its axes parallel to the X, Y, and Z axes.
The X direction runs the length of the wall.
The Y direction runs the height of the wall.
The Z direction runs through the thickness of the wall.
- Number of fragments/bricks
The number of fragments/bricks in the X, Y, and Z directions.
- Length of each fragment/brick
The length of a single brick/fragment in the X, Y, and Z directions.
- Mortar size between each fragment/brick
The mortar size (or gap) between fragments/bricks.
- Mortar included in dimension?
Check this box if you want the mortar size to be included in the length of each brick/fragment.
- Number of elements in each fragment/brick
The number of elements per fragment/brick in the X, Y, and Z directions.
- Offset ratio
The offset ratio for the fragments/bricks.
This is how the bricks are staggered along the length of the wall. For example, if the offset is 0.5 (the default), the bricks will be staggered halfway across each other as shown in the above figure.
- Fragment/brick symmetric about X=0?
Check this box if you want the wall to be symmetric about X=0.