This window lets you fill an index block within the current Part.
- Select I, J, and K range to Fill
The I, J, and K range that you want to fill.
- Fill with Initial Condition Set
Check this box if you want to fill the block using an Initial Condition Set.
The advantage of filling a Part using an Initial Condition Set is that if you later change one or more parameters in the set, you do not have to refill your Part.
Use the pull-down menu to select the Initial Condition Set you want to use.
You can define new Initial Condition Sets by clicking the Init.Cond. button on the Navigation Bar or by clicking
next to the option in this window.
- Material
If you do not want to use an Initial Condition Set, select the material you want to use to fill your Part from this Pull-down menu.
You can define new materials by clicking the Materials button on the Navigation Bar or by clicking
next to the option in this window.
- Parameters
If you do not want to use an Initial Condition Set, enter parameter values for your fill (Density, Energy, Velocity).
- Radial Velocity
The radial velocity and choose between spherical or cylindrical symmetry. For cylindrical symmetry the direction of the cylinder axis must also be specified.
- Axial Velocity
The axial velocity and select the origin and direction of the axis.