This window lets you create cross section definitions to fill beam groups using the New option, or modify existing cross section definitions using the Modify option.
The available cross sections are Circular, Square, Rectangular, I-beam and General beam, as well as Spring and Damper cross section definitions to model springs and dampers using beam parts.
Circular – Inner and outer radius of the circular cross section needs to be defined.

Square – Outer and inner dimension of the square cross section needs to be defined.

Rectangular – Outer and inner height and width of the rectangular cross section needs to be defined, as well as the unit vector 22.

I-beam – Height and width, and thickness of web and flange of the I-beam needs to be defined, as well as the unit vector 22.

General – The cross section area, the 2nd moment of area about axis 22 and 33, the unit vector 22, and shear area along axis 22 and 33 need to be defined.

For a spring, the cross section needs to define a 10 point piecewise linear force-displacement behavior.