Autodyn is installed with a pre-configured file called autodyn.ini, which is in your Application Data directory, in the subdirectory Ansys\v251\AUTODYN. These are the contents of the file after installation:
AUTODYN_initialization_file application_window_width 1000 application_window_height 700 message_window_visibility 0 manual_refresh_default 0 background_color 1 hardware_acceleration 1 reset_plot_flags 0 plot_wireframe 0 plot_perspective 0 model_interactivity_default 0 graded_background 1 OpenGL_for_slides 1 remove_joined_faces 0 open_new_browser_window 1 command_line_on 1 enable_beep 0 mouse_option_rotate 2 keyboard_option_rotate 0 mouse_option_zoom 3 keyboard_option_zoom 0 mouse_option_translate 2 keyboard_option_translate 2 mouse_option_toolbar 1 keyboard_option_toolbar 0 mouse_option_examine 1 keyboard_option_examine 3 mouse_option_boxzoom 3 keyboard_option_boxzoom 2 use_prepost_only 0 additional_user_title
You can alter the contents of this file to customize the startup of Autodyn.
You can use any text editor to make your changes (for example, Notepad or MS Word).
You can set the following parameters in this file.
- Application window width
Sets the width of the Autodyn application window at startup.
- Application window height
Sets the height of the Autodyn application window at startup.
- Message window visibility
Sets the visibility of the message window on startup.
- 0
Message window hidden
- 1
Message window visible
- Manual refresh default
Sets manual refresh on or off. For large models you may want to have full control on the refreshing of the plot window.
- 0
Manual refresh off
- 1
Manual refresh on
- Background color
Sets the color of the background for the View Panel on startup.
- 0
Black background
- 1
White background
- Plot wireframe
Sets the wireframe plotting option on or off on startup.
- 0
Plot wireframe off
- 1
Plot wireframe on
- Plot perspective
Sets the perspective plotting option on or off on startup.
- 0
Plot perspective off
- 1
Plot perspective on
- Hardware acceleration
Sets hardware graphics acceleration on or off on startup.
- 0
Hardware graphics acceleration off
- 1
Hardware graphics acceleration on
- Model Interactivity default
Sets the default model interaction setting for the toolbar mouse/keyboard combination on startup.
- 1
Translate model
- 2
Rotate model
- 3
Zoom in/out
- Reset plot flags
Sets reset plot flags on or off.
If this flag is on, when you load a new model (or a different cycle of the current model) the plot settings for all Parts will be reset to default values (for example, default view, material locations, and so on).
If this flag is off, when you load a new model (or a different cycle of the current model) with a model already present, the plot settings (grid, material location, material status, contour) for the current model are migrated to the new model for each Part with the same name.
- 0
Reset plot flags off
- 1
Reset plot flags on
- Graded background
Sets graded background on or off. If this switch is on a graded background color is used. If this switch is off a solid black or white color is used depending on Background color setting.
- 0
Graded background off
- 1
Graded background on
- OpenGL for Slide creation
Sets OpenGL for Slide creation on or off. Using OpenGL during the creation of slides can cause problems for some graphics cards. If you experience any problems creating slides with this switch turned on, try turning it off.
- 0
OpenGL off for slide creation
- 1
OpenGL on for slide creation
- Browser Options
By default, when Autodyn opens an HTML document (for the summary reviews), the page will be displayed in any browser that is currently open. By setting this flag to 1, a browser will be opened to display the information. This option may not work for all browsers.
- Command Line Options
Set this flag to 1 to enable the command line.
- Warning Sound Options
Enables or disables the warning beep
- Mouse and Keyboard options
These options let you set the mouse and keyboard combinations for interaction. Each action type has a keyboard and an associated mouse option. A default will be used if any are not defined.
Mouse action
Not used
Left Mouse Button
Middle Mouse Button
Right Mouse Button
Keyboard action
Keyboard action
Mouse Option Rotate + Keyboard Option Rotate
Rotate mouse and keyboard combination
Mouse Option Zoom + Keyboard Option Zoom
Zoom mouse and keyboard combination
Mouse Option Translate + Keyboard Option Translate
Translate mouse and keyboard combination
Mouse Option Toolbar + Keyboard Option Toolbar
This is the default combination for the interaction type selected on the toolbar
Toolbar mouse and keyboard combination
Mouse Option Examine + Keyboard Option Examine
Examine mouse and keyboard combination
Mouse Option Box zoom and Keyboard Option Box zoom
Box zoom mouse and keyboard combination
- PrePost license usage
By default this switch is set to zero and Autodyn will start up using a solver license. When the switch is set to zero Autodyn will start up using a PrePost license only.
- Additional user title
Enables you to add additional information below the top left hand corner of the View Panel.
You can enter up to 256 characters.