The command file window enables you to open an existing Autodyn command file using the
button.The commands can be executed/modified in a number of ways. Select all or a number of the commands and click the Process button. Alternatively, if you want to modify the commands before execution, simply select the required commands. The commands are then copied to either the single command line or the Commands to be processed list (if the command line is not docked to the main user interface). The commands can then be modified before execution by either pressing return on the single command line or the process button in the Command line panel.

If the Run on Load option is selected the commands in the selected file can automatically be run on loading the file, or alternatively you are given the option to interactively step through the commands.

If stepping through the command file, you are shown the next command before processing it. If at any stage
is selected, Autodyn stops reading the file.