> > , you can specify the language used for Workbench text and messages.You can choose to use English, German, French, or Japanese, if localized files are available. Workbench records the language selected at installation and specified from this option in the languagesettings.txt file. You can also manually edit the languagesettings.txt file to specify the language. You must exit Workbench and start a new session for changes to the language option to take effect.
Workbench looks for the languagesettings.txt file in the following locations, in order:
%appdata%\Ansys\v251 on Windows or $HOME/.ansys/v251 on Linux
>\Ansys Inc\v251\commonfiles\Language (Windows) or <install_dir
>/ansys_inc/v251/commonfiles/language (Linux)
Be aware that not all external applications may be translated; therefore, you may see some text and messages in English even if you have specified a different language.