Design Exploration

From Tools > Options > Design Exploration, you can specify the following.

Show Advanced OptionsWhen selected, displays advanced properties (in italics) for certain DesignXplorer objects in the Properties pane.
Preserve Design Points after DX RunWhen selected, saves design points created for a design exploration cell to the project’s design points table once the solution completes. Also enables the Retain Data for Each Preserved Design Point check box.
Retain Data for Each Preserved Design PointWhen selected, retains data for each design point saved in the project’s design point table.
Retry All Failed Design PointsWhen selected, enables additional attempts to solve design points that failed to update during the first run. Also enables Number of Retries and Retry Delay (seconds).
Number of RetriesSets the number of times to try to update failed design points. The default is 5.
Retry Delay (seconds)Sets the number of seconds to elapse between tries. The default is 120.
Chart ResolutionSets the number of points for a continuous input parameter axis in a 2D or 3D Response Surface chart. The range is from 2 to 100. The default is 25. Increasing the number of points enhances the chart resolution.
Significance LevelSets the relative importance or significance to assume for input variables. The allowable range is from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0 means that all input variables are assumed to be insignificant and 1.0 means that all input variables are assumed to be significant. The default is 0.025.
Correlation Coefficient Calculation TypeSets the calculation method for determining sensitivity correlation coefficients. The default is Rank Order (Spearman).
Display Parameter Full NameWhen selected, displays full parameter names rather than short parameter names.
Parameter Naming ConventionSets the naming style for input parameters within design exploration. The default is Uncertainty Management Style.
Confirm if Min-Max Search can take a long timeWhen selected, displays an alert before performing a Min-Max search operation when there are discrete input parameters to warn that the search could be time-consuming.

Note:  If you expand Design Exploration in the tree, you will see three child tabs: Design of Experiments, Response Surface, and Sampling and Optimization. For more information about the options on all four DesignXplorer tabs, see Design Exploration Options in the DesignXplorer User's Guide.