Typically, you start working through the system at the Geometry cell.
To launch a geometry program and create a new model, right-click the Geometry cell and select an application from the context menu or select and browse to an existing CAD model.
For details, see Defining your Simulation Geometry.
After your geometry is defined and the Geometry cell shows the green check mark indicating that the cell is up to date, you can proceed to the Mesh cell. To launch the meshing application, double-click the Mesh cell or right-click the cell and select from the context menu.
To generate a default mesh, right-click the Mesh cell and selected . This generates the mesh in the background without launching the meshing application.
When this step has successfully completed, the Mesh cell displays a green check mark, indicating an up-to-date state.
To load the physics pre-processor, double-click the Setup cell or right-click the cell and select from the context menu.
If you are working a Fluid Flow (Polyflow Classic) system, the editor is the Fluent application. If you are working with a Fluid Flow (Ansys CFX) system, the editor is CFX-Pre.
When you have successfully defined your physics, the Setup cell displays a green check mark, indicating an up-to-date state.
To open the associated Solution cell editor, double-click the Solution cell or right-click the cell and select from the context menu.
to run the solution in the background, right-click the Solution cell and select from the context menu.
If you are working a Fluid Flow (Polyflow Classic) system, the associated editor is the Fluent application. If you are working with a Fluid Flow (Ansys CFX) system, the associated editor is the CFX-Solver Manager.
When the solution is complete, the Solution cell displays a green check mark, indicating an up-to-date state.
You can now post-process the resulting solution. To open the resulting solution in Ansys CFD-Post, double-click the Results cell or right-click the cell and select from the context menu.
Once the process has been completed, all cells in the system should display a green check mark, indicating an up-to-date state.